The Edgar Lab at the New Jersey Institute of Technology studies the evolution of animal development, reproduction, and regeneration


Personal Achievements

Orianna Duh publishes graduate work done in Dr. Danielle McDonald’s lab exposure

Lab technician Orianna Duh has achieved a new milestone in her scientific career: publication of her first paper! Some of her master’s thesis work, done in the lab of Dr. Danielle McDonald at the University of Miami, can be found in this article:

The gills of fish have oxygen-sensing neuroepithelial cells. Orianna found that these cells increase in density under severe hypoxia in the toadfish, a fish the McDonald lab uses to study environmental stress.

New ctenophore paper

The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi deploys a rapid injury response dating back to the last common animal ancestor

Lab news

Technician Orianna Duh joins the lab

Orianna joins the Edgar lab after receiving her master’s degree working in the lab of Dr. Danielle McDonald at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science.